Basic ECG and Arrhythmia Interpretation CME/CE Course

CME/CE + Basic ECG Interpretation + Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation + ACLS Rhythm Review + ECG Heart Rhythm Review

ratings icon 5.0 (23 Reviews)
ratings icon 34 Videos
ratings icon 1 Exams
ratings icon 0 Quizzes
ratings icon 2 Hours
ratings icon CME Course
Basic ECG and Arrhythmia Interpretation CME/CE Course Title Slide

This is our best entry-level course that also offers CME/CEU credit. You will quickly learn most relevant abnormal ECG findings, how to recognize and diagnose normal and abnormal heart rhythms, and a general step-by-step approach to reading ECGs. Additionally, you get CME/CEU credits to apply to your credentialing. By the end of this course, we are sure you will fill confident about ECGs and heart rhythms.

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Basic ECG and Arrhythmia CME Course combines our Basic ECG Interpretation Course, with our Basic ECG Interpretation Course and gives you up to 2 Category 1 AMA or AOA CME Credits. Remember that these Category 1 credits are accepted by most accreditation boards for CEU Credits.

Basic ECG and Arrhythmia CME Course is a full beginner’s ECG and Arrhythmia course. It is short but complete!

The Arrhythmia videos teach basic cardiac anatomy, impulse formation and conduction, the action potential, and how the ECG machine sees impulses and translates them into graph form. Additionally, this course explains all of the major cardiac rhythms and shows you examples. Lastly, we review serious and non-serious heart rhythms.

The ECG videos show simple methods for recognizing ECG abnormalities and understanding the ECG criteria. Additionally, we show you a straightforward and easy approach to reading ECGs from start to finish.

The course contains 34 short videos. Each video can be re-watched as many times as you want to help solidify your understanding. The course is accessible 24/7 on any device for an entire year. Videos are succinct, with detailed illustrations and audio descriptions that go at a gentle pace for better comprehension. The videos are set up to feel as if a cardiologist is giving you one-on-one instruction.

Basic ECG and Arrhythmia CME Course includes a CME Certificate, which can be presented to your accreditation board, workplace, or institution to demonstrate competency.

Topics include:

  • Basic cardiac anatomy related to ECG interpretation
  • The action potential
  • The ECG waves (P, Q, QRS, ST, and T)
  • Impulse conduction through the heart
  • ECG calibration
  • Normal and abnormal heart rhythms
    • Sinus rhythms
    • Junctional rhythms
    • Atrial rhythms
    • Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
    • Ventricular Arrhythmias
  • Atrioventricular blocks
    • First-degree AV block
    • Second-degree AV block, Mobitz type 1
    • Second-degree AV block, Mobitz type 2
    • Third-degree AV blocks (aka complete heart block)
    • 2:1 AV blocks
  • Basic pacemaker rhythms
  • Serious vs. non-serious heart rhythms and ECG findings
  • Lead placement
  • The ECG waves (P, Q, QRS, ST, and T)
  • Impulse conduction through the heart
  • Determining the QRS axis
  • The ECG layout
  • Left and right atrial abnormalities
  • Left and right ventricular hypertrophy
  • Left and right bundle branch blocks
  • Left anterior and posterior fascicular blocks
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • Myocardial infarction
  • ST and T wave changes
  • Prolonged QT intervals
  • Electrolyte abnormalities
  • Drug effects
  • Wolff Parkinson White (WPW)
  • Low QRS voltage
  • Artifact
  • A basic step-by-step approach to reading an ECG
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CME Course Details

Accreditation Statement

Executive Electrocardiogram Education is accredited by the Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (MAOPS) to provide continuing medical education for physicians

Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (MAOPS) is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association to provide osteopathic continuing medical education for physicians. MAOPS designates this program for a maximum of 2 AOA Category 1-A CME credits, and will report CME and specialty credits commensurate with the extent of the physician’s participation.

Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (MAOPS) designates this live activity for a maximum of 2 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

 This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (MAOPS) and Executive Electrocardiogram Education. MAOPS is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Faculty Disclosures and Biographies

Scott L. Siegal, D.O., FACOI


Dr. Siegal is a board-certified cardiologist with a passion for medical education. He has been practicing cardiology and teaching medicine for over 20 years. Dr. Siegal has always had an interest in electrocardiography and echocardiography. He has instructed in ECG and Echo interpretation to many residency programs and cardiology fellowships throughout the United States. He held University appointments including assistant professor and associate professor at several medical schools and was the assistant director of a cardiology fellowship program. Dr. Siegal has received many accolades for teaching and has worked in educating medical students, residents, fellows, physician extenders, nurses, and colleagues. He spends much time trying to stay on the cutting edge of cardiology, and cardiac imaging. Dr. Siegal has studied and practiced medicine across the United States.

He received his undergraduate degree in Boston, MA, attended medical school in Kansas City, MO, focused his internship and residency all around Detroit, MI, but also did rotations in California, Arizona, Colorado, and Missouri. He has received board certifications in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Echocardiography, and Nuclear Cardiology. He has also practiced in Missouri, Texas, Colorado, and New Jersey. Dr. Siegal has had the distinguished honor to study under and practice with a multitude of practitioners from all over the country. These experiences have given Dr. Siegal a unique and varied perspective on medicine. Currently, Dr. Siegal practices cardiology in Southern New Jersey, devotes much time to medical education, and consults organizations and individuals about physician burnout.

Boston Universtiy, Cum Laude, Boston, MA

Medical School
University of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas City, MO

Internship & Residency
Consortium of Graduate Medical Education and Training (COGMET), Detroit, MI

Deborah Heart & Lung Center, Browns Mills, NJ and The Delaware Valley Medical Center, Langhorne, PA

Board Certifications
Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Echocardiography and Nuclear Cardiology.


Scott L. Siegal, D.O., FACOI is the sole planner and faculty for this course and has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships with ineligible entities to disclose.

Complaint/Grievance Policy

SL Siegal Consulting and Executive Electrocardiogram Education are committed to ensuring that any person or organization using our products has the right to lodge a complaint and to have their concerns addressed in ways that ensure access and equity, fairness, accountability and transparency.

Our Commitment

If you make a complaint or have a grievance regarding any of Executive Electrocardiogram Education’s programs, you can expect that we will:

  • Treat you with respect
  • Carry out the complaint handling process in a fair and open way
  • Provide reasons for decisions that are made
  • Protect your privacy

Complaint Procedure

Filing a complaint or grievance:

  1. Send us an email at Be sure to leave us information regarding how to reach you back.

Procedure for Complaint Management

  1. Registered complaints/grievances are investigated within 5 working days of the complaint being received.
  2. We will reach out to you by email or phone within 10 working days to let you know what is being done to investigate and resolve the complaint/grievance.
  3. As far as possible, complaints/grievances will be investigated and resolved within 20 working days. If this timeframe cannot be met, the complainant will be informed of the reasons why and of alternative timeframe for resolution.

For those seeking AOA Category 1-A CME Credits

If the learner is seeking AOA Category 1-A CME and does not receive a satisfactory response, you may then notify the Bureau of Osteopathic Education of the AOA at 142 E. Ontario St., Chicago, IL 60611-2864.

What's Covered In This Course?

  • Basic cardiac anatomy and physiology related to arrhythmias
  • Understanding the waveforms, calibrations, and telemetry
  • Recognizing normal and abnormal rhythms
  • Basic ECG Criteria
  • ECG waves, and most common ECG abnormalities
  • A Simple Step-by-Step Approach to Reading ECGs
  • Short but comprehensive videos
  • Learn Basic ECG and Arrhythmia Interpretation in only 2 Hours
  • CME Certificate

Who This Course Is For

If you want to learn to read ECG, recognize arrhythmias, and need continuing education credits, then this course is for you. This course is also great for medical professionals who just want to touch up their ECG and arrhythmia reading skills and want CME/CEU.  It is simpler than those confusing textbooks and quite complete.

Best for:

  • Attending Physicians
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurses
  • EMTs
  • Paramedics
  • Telemetry Technicians
  • Medical Assistants

Sample Course Videos

online ecg interpretation course samples
ECG Waves Sample Video Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Atrial Rhythms Sample Video Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Ventricular Rhythms Sample Video Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Atrioventricular (AV) Node Blocks Sample Video Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Basic ECG Interpretation - Myocardial ischemia and infarction Watch Preview

Course Syllabus

Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Basic Anatomy and Physiology For ECGs (W1)
This chapter reviews the important, basic cardiac anatomy and physiology needed to read electrocardiograms and rhythm strips. This includes the cardiac chambers, valves, electrical system, and circulatory system.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Action Potential (W1)
This chapter reviews the cardiac muscle action potential.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - How the ECG Machine Sees Electrical Impulses (W1)
This chapter reviews how the ECG machine sees electrical impulses and translates them into the waves seen on the ECG.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Propagation of Impulses Through the Heart (W1)
This chapter reviews how the cardiac impulse propagates through the heart. Impulses typically start in the sinoatrial (SA) node, go through the atria, the atrioventricular (AV) node, and into the ventricles.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - ECG Calibrations (W1)
This video shows you the ECG calibrations.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - The ECG Waves (W1)
This chapter reviews electrical waveforms. Topics include P-waves, QRS complexes, and T-waves. It reviews Q-waves, R-waves, S-waves, R prime (R'), R double prime (R''), S prime (S'), and S double prime (S'').
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - ECG Intervals (W1)
This chapter reviews the intervals of the electrical waveforms. Topics include the PR interval, QRS interval, and QT interval.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Telemetry Monitoring (W1)
This chapter reviews telemetry monitors and basic telemetry setups.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Naming Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews how to properly name rhythms. It emphasizes that rhythms are named by their location of origin and something about the heart rate.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Determining the Heart Rate (W1)
This chapter shows several ways to determine the heart rate on an ECG or telemetry strip.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Sinus Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews sinus rhythms (rhythms that originate from the sinoatrial (SA) node). These include normal sinus rhythm, sinus bradycardia, and sinus tachycardia.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Junctional Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews junctional rhythms (rhythms that originate from the atrioventricular (AV) node). These include idiopathic junctional rhythm, junctional bradycardia, accelerated junctional rhythm, and junctional tachycardia.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Ventricular Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews ventricular rhythms (rhythms that originate from the ventricles). These include premature ventricular complexes (PVC), ventricular couplets, monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, torsades de pointes (TdP), and ventricular fibrillation.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Atrial Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews atrial rhythms (rhythms that originate from the atria). These include premature atrial complexes (PAC), ectopic atrial rhythms, atrial bradycardia, atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and multifocal atrial tachycardia.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Supraventricular Tachycardia [SVT] (W1)
This chapter reviews supraventricular tachycardia. specifically, it covers a fast rhythm that originates from the atrioventricular (AV) node.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Asystole and Agonal Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews asystole (no heart rhythm) and agonal rhythms (slow variable ventricular rhythms of a dying heart).
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Pacemaker Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews pacemaker rhythms (rhythms that originate from a pacemaker). These include ventricular pacemaker rhythms and atrioventricular pacemaker rhythms.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - ECG Artifacts (W1)
This video goes over possible artifacts seen on the ECG and rhythm strips.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Atrioventricular (AV) Blocks (W1)
This lesson goes over atrioventricular (AV) blocks. It covers first-degree AV blocks, second-degree AV blocks (Mobitz 1 [Wenckebach] and Mobitz 2), third-degree (complete) AV blocks, and 2:1 AV blocks
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation CME - Serious vs. Non-serious Rhythms (W1)
This chapter briefly reviews which heart rhythms are serious and may need immediate medical attention, and which rhythms are overall benign.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - The 12-Lead ECG (W1)
This lesson tells about ECGs and how the ECG machine translates the electrical activity of the heart into an ECG graph.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Correct ECG Lead Placement (W1)
This video shows you the proper position to place the electrodes on a patient to obtain an ECG.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - The QRS Axis (W1)
This lesson teaches how to calculate the QRS axis and determine if it is normal. It reviews conditions that cause left axis deviation, right axis deviation, and superior axis.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Basic Cardiac Rhythms (W1)
Although this material is covered in the arrhythmia section of this course, this video gives a great summary of normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms in a single, short video.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Left and Right Atrial Abnormality (W1)
This video teaches a quick and easy way to identify left and right atrial abnormality.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Left and Right Ventricular Hypertrophy (W1)
This chapter teaches how to identify left and right ventricular hypertrophy on the ECG. It also describes secondary ST and T wave changes that might accompany these conditions.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Bundle Branch Blocks, Conduction Delays, and Fascicular Blocks (W1)
This video teaches how to identify left and right bundle branch blocks, non-specific intraventricular conduction delays, and left anterior- and left posterior-fascicular blocks.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction (W1)
This important lesson shows how to identify myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarctions. It shows how to diagnose an acute myocardial infarction and then goes through the evolutionary ST and T changes that occur over time. You'll learn to recognize acute, recent, age-undetermined, and old myocardial infarctions on the ECG.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - ST and T Wave Changes (W1)
This lesson teaches the differences between primary ST and T wave changes, as seen in ischemia, from secondary ST and T wave changes, as seen in conditions like left ventricular hypertrophy.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Low QRS Voltage (W1)
This video teaches you to recognize low QRS voltage and then gives you a brief differential diagnosis of urgent/emergent conditions that cause low QRS voltage. This is important to recognize since some of the causes of low voltage are life-threatening and need immediate attention.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - ECG Changes From Electrolyte Abnormalities (W1)
This video teaches about ECG changes from hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, and hypocalcemia.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Drug Effects on the ECG and Prolonged QT Interval (W1)
This video goes over the effects of digoxin on the ECG and reviews several medication classes that prolong the QT interval.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - ECG Changes from Wolff Parkinson White (WPW) (W1)
This section teaches how to identify the ECG changes from preexcitation and Wolff Parkinson White (WPW) Syndrome.
Basic ECG Interpretation CME - Guidelines to Reading ECGs (W1)
This chapter shows you a step-by-step approach to reading ECGs and takes you through an example.

Feedback From Our Subscribers

Alan Ghaly, DO, FACC Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Informative and easy to understand!

I had the pleasure of being lectured about electrocardiogram interpretation by Dr. Siegal during my cardiology training. Dr. Siegal captured these lectures in videos for self-education and training. They are informative and easy to understand in a field where ECG interpretations can be intimidating. I wish I had these videos during my medical school and training years.

V. Richardson Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Great visual examples

The videos are great for people who are visual and audio learners. They go at a pace that is easy to understand and there are good visual examples.

Michael Friedman, DO, Assistant Professor, Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Dr. Siegal shared his knowledge

"Dr. Siegal is a doctor's doctor. He has taken his clinical knowledge and experience and thankfully shared it with us in an informative and well written video."

J. Nelson Verified Subscriber
five star rating

Great course with easy straightforward details

C. Anasco Verified Subscriber
five star rating

This was a great resource to review and to study for quizzes and exams.

K. Carter Verified Subscriber
five star rating
R. Chowadhary Verified Subscriber
five star rating

The course did a great job comprehending each concept and gave a great visual representation of the different concepts.

M. Dakin Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Good addendum to our college course curriculum

Enjoyed how the videos were not directly from the textbook but rather from another source. This allowed me to have a better understanding, and visually see what we have learned.

C. Elder Verified Subscriber
five star rating
T. Fest Verified Subscriber
five star rating
C. Fiore Verified Subscriber
five star rating
D. Robinson Verified Subscriber
five star rating
M. Schwarzman Verified Subscriber
five star rating

This was a very informational and easy-to-follow website and coursework. It definitely enhanced and refined my understanding for EKG interpretation.

B. Watson Verified Subscriber
five star rating
S. Armandi Verified Subscriber
five star rating
v. Cruz Verified Subscriber
five star rating
B. DiMarino Verified Subscriber
five star rating

I thought these courses were great. They really helped kind of solidify the information that was taught during lecture and were great reviews leading up to a quiz or an exam.

C. Dittmar Verified Subscriber
five star rating

I believe that this helped in the fact that it was there as an extra resource if something did not make sense in class. I used this to recap specific topics.

F. Fazzolari Verified Subscriber
five star rating

The videos are brief and to the point, which is nice. They give a good overview of different arrhythmias and helped me study a bit for my 2nd exam in my ECG class.

R. Glemser Verified Subscriber
five star rating

I only found when trying to “login” to the course it took many links and different options to get to one login screen. Overall, tech support when asking questions was very helpful and fast responding. The course helped me advance my knowledge of EKG and I would recommend it to more people in the future!

D. Hemmings Verified Subscriber
five star rating

made the course easier to understand as a visual learner.

J. Gonzales Verified Subscriber
five star rating

Good content. Videos were short but seemed fast. Overall, it was pretty easy to follow.

S. Rivera Verified Subscriber
five star rating