Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation Course

Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation + ACLS Rhythm Review + ECG Heart Rhythm Review

ratings icon 5.0 (22 Reviews)
ratings icon 20 Videos
ratings icon 1 Exams
ratings icon 0 Quizzes
ratings icon 1:05 Hours
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation Title Slide

This is the best entry-level course to learn about the ECG machine, cardiac electrical conduction, and how to read normal and abnormal heart rhythms. This course covers the typical rhythms seen day-to-day in medical practice. It does it in a succinct, easy-to-follow, video format. You will learn basic cardiac rhythms in 1 hour. Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation pairs well with Basic ECG Interpretation and can be bundled for a 15% savings. Other bundles also available.

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Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation is a full beginner’s Arrhythmia course. This course teaches basic cardiac anatomy, impulse formation and conduction, the action potential, and how the ECG machine sees impulses and translates them into graph form. Additionally, this course explains all of the major cardiac rhythms and shows you examples. Lastly, Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation reviews serious and non-serious heart rhythms.

The course contains 20 short videos and you will learn about normal and abnormal heart rhythms in about 1 hour. Each video can be re-watched as many times as you want to help solidify your understanding. The course is accessible 24/7 on any device for an entire year. Videos are succinct, with detailed illustrations and audio descriptions that go at a gentle pace for better comprehension. The videos are set up to feel as if a cardiologist is giving you one-on-one instruction.

Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation includes a Certificate of Completion, which can be presented to your workplace or institution to demonstrate competency. This course is not available for CME. Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation pairs well with Basic ECG Interpretation and can be bundled for a 15% savings. Other bundles are also available.

Topics include:

  • Basic cardiac anatomy related to ECG interpretation
  • The action potential
  • The ECG waves (P, Q, QRS, ST, and T)
  • Impulse conduction through the heart
  • ECG calibration
  • Normal and abnormal heart rhythms
    • Sinus rhythms
    • Junctional rhythms
    • Atrial rhythms
    • Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
    • Ventricular Arrhythmias
  • Atrioventricular blocks
    • First-degree AV block
    • Second-degree AV block, Mobitz type 1
    • Second-degree AV block, Mobitz type 2
    • Third-degree AV blocks (aka complete heart block)
    • 2:1 AV blocks
  • Basic pacemaker rhythms
  • Serious vs. non-serious heart rhythms and ECG findings
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What's Covered In This Course?

  • Basic cardiac anatomy and physiology related to arrhythmias
  • Understanding the waveforms, calibrations, and telemetry
  • Recognizing normal and abnormal rhythms
  • Short but comprehensive videos
  • Learn Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation in only 1 Hours
  • Certificate of Completion

Who This Course Is For

Every arrhythmia reader needs to start somewhere and this is the place! This full, yet simple, Arrhythmia Interpretation course is for anyone new to heart rhythms, ECGs, or telemetry. It is simpler than those confusing textbooks and quite complete.

Best for:

  • Beginning Medical Student
  • Medical Interns
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurses
  • EMTs
  • Paramedics
  • Telemetry Technicians
  • Medical Assistants
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Students Interested in Medicine

Sample Course Videos

online ecg interpretation course samples
ECG Waves Sample Video Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Atrial Rhythms Sample Video Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Ventricular Rhythms Sample Video Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Atrioventricular (AV) Node Blocks Sample Video Watch Preview

Course Syllabus

Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Basic Anatomy and Physiology For ECGs (W1)
This chapter reviews the important, basic cardiac anatomy and physiology needed to read electrocardiograms and rhythm strips. This includes the cardiac chambers, valves, electrical system, and circulatory system.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Action Potential (W1)
This chapter reviews the cardiac muscle action potential.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - How the ECG Machine Sees Electrical Impulses (W1)
This chapter reviews how the ECG machine sees electrical impulses and translates them into the waves seen on the ECG.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Propagation of Impulses Through the Heart (W1)
This chapter reviews how the cardiac impulse propagates through the heart. Impulses typically start in the sinoatrial (SA) node, go through the atria, the atrioventricular (AV) node, and into the ventricles.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - ECG Calibrations (W1)
This video shows you the ECG calibrations.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - The ECG Waves (W1)
This chapter reviews electrical waveforms. Topics include P-waves, QRS complexes, and T-waves. It reviews Q-waves, R-waves, S-waves, R prime (R'), R double prime (R''), S prime (S'), and S double prime (S'').
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - ECG Intervals (W1)
This chapter reviews the intervals of the electrical waveforms. Topics include the PR interval, QRS interval, and QT interval.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Telemetry Monitoring (W1)
This chapter reviews telemetry monitors and basic telemetry setups.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Naming Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews how to properly name rhythms. It emphasizes that rhythms are named by their location of origin and something about the heart rate.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Determining the Heart Rate (W1)
This chapter shows several ways to determine the heart rate on an ECG or telemetry strip.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Sinus Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews sinus rhythms (rhythms that originate from the sinoatrial (SA) node). These include normal sinus rhythm, sinus bradycardia, and sinus tachycardia.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Junctional Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews junctional rhythms (rhythms that originate from the atrioventricular (AV) node). These include idiopathic junctional rhythm, junctional bradycardia, accelerated junctional rhythm, and junctional tachycardia.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Ventricular Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews ventricular rhythms (rhythms that originate from the ventricles). These include premature ventricular complexes (PVC), ventricular couplets, monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, torsades de pointes (TdP), and ventricular fibrillation.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Atrial Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews atrial rhythms (rhythms that originate from the atria). These include premature atrial complexes (PAC), ectopic atrial rhythms, atrial bradycardia, atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and multifocal atrial tachycardia.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Supraventricular Tachycardia [SVT] (W1)
This chapter reviews supraventricular tachycardia. specifically, it covers a fast rhythm that originates from the atrioventricular (AV) node.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Asystole and Agonal Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews asystole (no heart rhythm) and agonal rhythms (slow variable ventricular rhythms of a dying heart).
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Pacemaker Rhythms (W1)
This chapter reviews pacemaker rhythms (rhythms that originate from a pacemaker). These include ventricular pacemaker rhythms and atrioventricular pacemaker rhythms.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - ECG Artifacts (W1)
This video goes over possible artifacts seen on the ECG and rhythm strips.
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Atrioventricular (AV) Blocks (W1)
This lesson goes over atrioventricular (AV) blocks. It covers first-degree AV blocks, second-degree AV blocks (Mobitz 1 [Wenckebach] and Mobitz 2), third-degree (complete) AV blocks, and 2:1 AV blocks
Basic Arrhythmia Interpretation - Serious vs. Non-serious Rhythms (W1)
This chapter briefly reviews which heart rhythms are serious and may need immediate medical attention, and which rhythms are overall benign.

Feedback From Our Subscribers

Alan Ghaly, DO, FACC Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Informative and easy to understand!

I had the pleasure of being lectured about electrocardiogram interpretation by Dr. Siegal during my cardiology training. Dr. Siegal captured these lectures in videos for self-education and training. They are informative and easy to understand in a field where ECG interpretations can be intimidating. I wish I had these videos during my medical school and training years.

V. Richardson Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Great visual examples

The videos are great for people who are visual and audio learners. They go at a pace that is easy to understand and there are good visual examples.

Michael Friedman, DO, Assistant Professor, Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Dr. Siegal shared his knowledge

"Dr. Siegal is a doctor's doctor. He has taken his clinical knowledge and experience and thankfully shared it with us in an informative and well written video."

C. Anasco Verified Subscriber
five star rating

This was a great resource to review and to study for quizzes and exams.

K. Carter Verified Subscriber
five star rating
R. Chowadhary Verified Subscriber
five star rating

The course did a great job comprehending each concept and gave a great visual representation of the different concepts.

M. Dakin Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Good addendum to our college course curriculum

Enjoyed how the videos were not directly from the textbook but rather from another source. This allowed me to have a better understanding, and visually see what we have learned.

C. Elder Verified Subscriber
five star rating
T. Fest Verified Subscriber
five star rating
C. Fiore Verified Subscriber
five star rating
D. Robinson Verified Subscriber
five star rating
M. Schwarzman Verified Subscriber
five star rating

This was a very informational and easy-to-follow website and coursework. It definitely enhanced and refined my understanding for EKG interpretation.

B. Watson Verified Subscriber
five star rating
S. Armandi Verified Subscriber
five star rating
v. Cruz Verified Subscriber
five star rating
B. DiMarino Verified Subscriber
five star rating

I thought these courses were great. They really helped kind of solidify the information that was taught during lecture and were great reviews leading up to a quiz or an exam.

C. Dittmar Verified Subscriber
five star rating

I believe that this helped in the fact that it was there as an extra resource if something did not make sense in class. I used this to recap specific topics.

F. Fazzolari Verified Subscriber
five star rating

The videos are brief and to the point, which is nice. They give a good overview of different arrhythmias and helped me study a bit for my 2nd exam in my ECG class.

R. Glemser Verified Subscriber
five star rating

I only found when trying to “login” to the course it took many links and different options to get to one login screen. Overall, tech support when asking questions was very helpful and fast responding. The course helped me advance my knowledge of EKG and I would recommend it to more people in the future!

D. Hemmings Verified Subscriber
five star rating

made the course easier to understand as a visual learner.

J. Gonzales Verified Subscriber
five star rating

Good content. Videos were short but seemed fast. Overall, it was pretty easy to follow.

S. Rivera Verified Subscriber
five star rating