Point of Care Echo CME Course is the best course for medical professionals who need to learn Point of Care Echo and want Category-1 CME credits (Earn up to 2 AOA Category 1A / AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM).
This course teaches basic cardiac anatomy, and how to obtain images. You’ll learn about left ventricular function, calculating the ejection fraction, and assessing wall motion abnormalities. Additionally, you learn about the right ventricle, color-flow Doppler, valvular abnormalities, pericardial and pleural effusions, masses, vegetations, and thrombi, the inferior vena cava, and aortic dissections.
You will not just memorize images, but instead, learn how to assess the heart from any view, and scrutinize normal and abnormal findings.
Point of Care Echo CME Course is a 2-hour online, interactive, video course divided into 16 short, manageable chapters. The material can be rewatched as many times as you want to help solidify the information, This course is available 24 /7/ 365 on any device. Videos are succinct with detailed illustrations and audio descriptions that go at a gentle pace for better comprehension. The videos are set up to feel as if a cardiologist is giving you one-on-one instruction.
Topics include:
- Basic cardiac anatomy
- The echo probe
- Echo images and obtaining the different views
- Left ventricular function
- Calculating the ejection fraction
- Assessing segmental wall motion abnormalities
- Right ventricular function
- Chamber sizes and wall thickness
- Color-flow Doppler
- Cardiac valvular abnomalities
- Pericardial effusions and cardiac tamponade
- Pleural effusions
- Masses, vegetations, and thrombi
- The inferior vena cava
- Aortic dissections and aneurysms
- An approach to reading Pont of Care Echoes
Since Point of Care Echo is now taught in medical schools, used in emergency departments (ED), intensive care units (ICU), and even in outpatient practices, this course will keep you at the forefront of this technology and prevent you from being left behind.
This course is best for emergency department providers, intensive care unit providers, most hospitalists, all medical students, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and emergency medical technicians.