Point of Care Echo Course

Basic Echocardiography + ACLS Heart Rhythm Review + ECG Heart Rhythm Review

ratings icon 5.0 (2 Reviews)
ratings icon 16 Videos
ratings icon 0 Quizzes
ratings icon 2 Hours
Point of Care Echo Course Title Slide

You will learn all of the essentials of Point of Care Echo in 2-hours with this online, interactive, video course. Re-watch sections as many times as you want to solidify your understanding.

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Point of Care Echo Course is the best course for medical professionals who need to learn Point of Care Echo.

This course teaches basic cardiac anatomy, and how to obtain images. You’ll learn about left ventricular function, calculating the ejection fraction, and assessing wall motion abnormalities. Additionally, you learn about the right ventricle, color-flow Doppler, valvular abnormalities, pericardial and pleural effusions, masses, vegetations, and thrombi, the inferior vena cava, and aortic dissections.

You will not just memorize images, but instead, learn how to assess the heart from any view, and scrutinize normal and abnormal findings.

Point of Care Echo Course is a 2-hour online, interactive, video course divided into 16 short, manageable chapters. The material can be rewatched as many times as you want to help solidify the information, This course is available 24 /7/ 365 on any device. Videos are succinct with detailed illustrations and audio descriptions that go at a gentle pace for better comprehension. The videos are set up to feel as if a cardiologist is giving you one-on-one instruction.

Topics include:

  • Basic cardiac anatomy
  • The echo probe
  • Echo images and obtaining the different views
  • Left ventricular function
  • Calculating the ejection fraction
  • Assessing segmental wall motion abnormalities
  • Right ventricular function
  • Chamber sizes and wall thickness
  • Color-flow Doppler
  • Cardiac valvular abnomalities
  • Pericardial effusions and cardiac tamponade
  • Pleural effusions
  • Masses, vegetations, and thrombi
  • The inferior vena cava
  • Aortic dissections and aneurysms
  • An approach to reading Pont of Care Echoes

Since Point of Care Echo is now taught in medical schools, used in emergency departments (ED), intensive care units (ICU), and even in outpatient practices, this course will keep you at the forefront of this technology and prevent you from being left behind.

This course is best for emergency department providers, intensive care unit providers, most hospitalists, all medical students, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and emergency medical technicians.

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What's Covered In This Course?

  • Cardiac Anatomy
  • The Echo probe and obtaining images
  • Learn Point of Care Echo in only 2-hours
  • Learn, don't just memorize

Who This Course Is For

Best for:

  • Emergency department (ED) providers
  • Intensive care unit (ICU) providers
  • Most hospitalists
  • All medical students
  • Nurse practitioners (NPs)
  • Physician assistants (PAs)
  • Emergency medical technicians (EMTs)

Sample Course Videos

online ecg interpretation course samples
The Probe and Probe Movements - Preview Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Basic Echo Views - Preview Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Left ventricular Function and Ejection Fraction - Preview Watch Preview
online ecg interpretation course samples
Valvular Abnormalities - Preview Watch Preview

Course Syllabus

Definitions of Point of Care Echocardiography and Objectives (W1)
This chapter defines point of care echocardiography and the objectives of this video course
Basic Cardiac Anatomy (W1)
This chapter reviews cardiac anatomy. It shows the heart in the chest and the position of all four (4) cardiac chambers in relationship to the whole heart and chest cavity.
Understanding the Probe (Transducer) and Probe Movements (W1)
This chapter takes a close look at the Probe/Transducer: Topics include probe anatomy (head, tail, and notch); and probe movements (rocking, tilting, rotating, sliding, and translation).
Basic Echocardiographic Views (W1)
This chapter reviews the different echocardiographic views. Topics include:  Parasternal long axis; right ventricular inflow tract; right ventricular outflow tract; parasternal short axis at the levels of the mid ventricle, mitral valve, and aortic valve; apical four-chamber; apical five-chamber; apical two-chamber; apical three-chamber; subcostal; inferior vena cava; hepatic vein; and suprasternal.
Cardiac Chamber Sizes and Wall Thickness (W1)
This chapter review general cardiac chamber sizes and left and right ventricular wall thickness. Topics include Normal and abnormal left ventricular and right ventricular size and wall thickness; normal and abnormal atrial sizes; and aortic root size.
Identifying the Different Left Ventricular Walls (W1)
This chapter details the different segments and walls of the left ventricle. Topics include Anterior wall; anterior and inferior septum; inferior wall; and anterior and inferior lateral wall.
Left Ventricular Function and Ejection Fraction (W1)
This chapter reviews left ventricular function and the ejection fraction. Topics include Contractility and wall motion; normal systolic function; systolic dysfunction; hyperdynamic function; ejection fraction; and segmental wall motion abnormalities.
Right Heart Function and Abnormalities (W1)
This chapter reviews right ventricular size and function. Topics include Normal right ventricular function; right ventricular dysfunction; right ventricular pressure and volume overload; and McConnell’s sign.
Inferior Vena Cava (W1)
This chapter examines the inferior vena cava. Topics include Normal and abnormal inferior vena cava size and inspiratory collapse; and estimating the right atrial pressure.
Color Flow Doppler (W1)
This chapter discusses and shows examples of color flow Doppler.
Valvular Abnormalities (W1)
This chapter details and shows examples of various valvular abnormalities. Topics include Mitral stenosis; mitral regurgitation; aortic stenosis; aortic regurgitation; and tricuspid regurgitation.
Masses and Vegetations (W1)
This chapter shows how to identify various cardiac masses and vegetations.
Pericardial Effusions, Cardiac Tamponade and Pleural Effusions (W1)
This chapter discusses and shows examples of pericardial effusions, cardiac tamponade, and pleural effusions.
Aortic Aneurysms and Aortic Dissections (W1)
This chapter defines and shows examples of aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections.
Approach to Reading Point of Care Echocardiograms (W1)
This chapter explains my approach to reading echocardiograms accurately and efficiently.

Feedback From Our Subscribers

Anthony Ricketti, M.D Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Passed my ICU Boards with ease

After spending two hours with Dr. Siegal in person to learn to read echoes, I had no problems passing the echo section of my Critical Care Boards and in fact, scored well above the average. I had never interpreted echocardiograms before this. Dr. Siegal made echocardiography easy to understand and retain.

Michael Friedman, DO, Assistant Professor, Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Verified Subscriber
five star rating
Dr. Siegal shared his knowledge

"Dr. Siegal is a doctor's doctor. He has taken his clinical knowledge and experience and thankfully shared it with us in an informative and well written video."